I was on an outing after working one evening earlier this week, and thinking heavily about something that was bothering me. Reflection is always good and necessary to a degree. But, it can at times get to a point if left unchecked, we may unnecessarily take on burdens instead of quickly letting them go and moving on.
As I continued to run errands I was praying internally for peace and direction in the situation I was concerned with. I continued asking forgiveness as well if I had so far taken any approach that was not suitable.
I love how God can at times break through our thoughts and problems of the day and bring an instant peace to our hearts. Just as I sat down to wait in a store for something I had ordered, the words that suddenly and unexpectedly came to my heart were” “I want you to rest in the fact that I have overcome.”
My first thought was, “That’s it?” I smiled to myself as I at first thought this statement was quite humorous. Humorous because I am by nature an inquisitive person and I like answers! It is hard for me to accept at times that something just “is”. I have to know the reason why things are a certain way. Sometimes in my attempt to simplify a situation, I actually end up over complicating it.
I was also excited though. I knew this simple statement was a “big” one, and not in the least bit meant to be humorous. This statement is so majestic, and so final. It is Truth, it is peace, and it is security. The fact is Jesus is the final exclamation point, if you will, on all that ever was, is, and ever will be. He is the Alpha and the Omega.
In this life, there will be trials simply because we live in a fallen world. The Holy Spirit can indeed show us mysteries, give us discernment, and of course do great wonders. But, there is an aspect of life where daily trials are ordinary and to be expected. We will face trials that we may not always receive direct answers for. Perhaps an "answer" would be more than we can handle.
I was also pondering the fact that I need to be a little easier going on myself when I do make mistakes. Living in a world where perfection does not exist, will cause some of our reactions in certain situations to be imperfect. This is a human problem. God's mercy is new every morning. It’s almost as if I was being told: “Get over yourself and move on, I have overcome all. And, once and for all rest in that knowledge.”
I want to be clear though, there is a time for pressing in and being determined that answers will come, in certain situations. This is the kind of faith that Jesus marvels at I think. Don’t ever let go of such tenacity, but discern the times when we need to step back and let go. Or, while we are waiting for answers that haven’t come yet, simply rest in the fact that whatever the outcome of any situation, He truly already has overcome all.
We live in what can be a mysterious and complicated world at times. Some things I’m sure are simply too big for us to handle. However, at the end of the day...there is One who has overcome all.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)