Monday, November 14, 2011

Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Since I was a child, I remember feeling connected to Jesus in some way. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know Him or love Him, although in my young adult years I got a bit side-tracked. In the Lord’s mercy, this period didn’t last too long.

I remember a book my grandmother gave to me when I was a child, about the lives of the saints. The story of St. Veronica always moved me. I imagined what it would have been like to wipe the face of Jesus and offer him a drink as he carried his cross. The simplicity of the act was so beautiful to me. When it came time for me to be confirmed, I chose Veronica as my confirmation name.

My other grandmother tells a story that when I was around 3 years of age, we were doing some last minute shopping as the grocery store was closing on Christmas Eve. They kept announcing throughout the store that they were getting ready to close. In my childlike thinking, I was afraid we would be locked in. My grandmother was trying to hurry. She tells me I suddenly announced, “Jesus will help us!” She says it stopped her in her tracks.

So, it makes sense that I would want to honor the Lord with a special devotion to his Sacred Heart. From my heart to his, words cannot describe how much I love him. This blog Is now officially dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

True Fulfillment

I was feeling fine this morning when I awoke. As the afternoon wore on, I sat down for a moment of contemplation and looked out the window. Suddenly, tears started to flow as the result of a certain sorrow I was feeling. I started to pray. Words came to me quite suddenly, and I felt they were important enough to write down for others who might be feeling the same. Of course, it is important to keep the below message in proper context. Many enter a life of "nothingness" out of laziness, or for other reasons they have within their means to control.

It's not like I wasn't previously aware of the message in the words that came to me, I was. There is a certain awareness of the timelessness within which a child of God lives, because we are citizens of heaven. However, making certain life decisions has not always been easy for me. And, God knows I wish I would have had more, at least, emotional support along the way.

You have not wasted your life. Better to experience “nothingness” with me, than experience a life of so called great accomplishment apart from me. You are not naked and ashamed before me. Many who believe they have had fulfilling lives will stand before Me naked and ashamed on that day, even among my own people. Do not be deceived! They will discover their focus on being fulfilled in this life, has been based on a lie. For, they sought happiness in those things that truly do not fulfill the human spirit, and were apart from the will of God. There is no true fulfillment apart from Me.

The trend now among people in making so many important life decisions is living in the moment and obtaining immediate gratification. Important decisions made lightly and swiftly often end in situations where there is despair and loss, whether it’s six months or forty years after the choice has been made. The time they were so desperate to not slip by, has now truly been wasted.

Happiness is often fleeting, but joy of the spirit is possible even in the direst circumstances.

However, you will have sorrow and experience trouble in this life. The circumstances of each one are different. This is why you must hold one another up and pray without ceasing for your brothers and sisters. Do my children not see the burden of one is the burden of all?

If your current circumstances bring sorrow to your heart remember, it is better to sorrow with me and in me, than find a fleeting happiness apart from me.