I would like to share something that is very dear to my heart.
Ever since I had my conversion experience in which the Holy Spirit "moved in" if you will, I have noticed over the years that there have been some changes in my perception of things. When Jesus comes to us to reside within our inner most being, I believe we at times see with His eyes and feel what He feels regarding the world around us.
It’s as if a whole new world is opened up to us beyond what we normally were able to comprehend in the past. Seeing with the eyes of the Spirit is just that, the converted soul is able to see beyond the here and now. It is able to see eternal things.
I think a big thing for me is that I can at times see other people how Jesus sees them…and it’s an amazing thing. Mostly I have kept this to myself, and it has become such a normal part of my every day experience. Also, it comes with a deep burden or even pain at times, as my eyes are opened to who certain people are meant to be or become. Yet, they may be in darkness in their heart and mind for a variety of reasons. If only they could know how Jesus sees them…and who He created them to be.
I think this particularly hits home with me, as in looking back I see how Jesus took me from such darkness and set me free. I allowed Him to show me things I never would have imagined in a million years. I was in a prayer meeting one night years ago…and this precise prophetic word was given to me: “I will show you things that you can’t even imagine.” And my dear friends, He has…..He certainly has remained faithful to His promise. And many times this concerns His love for other people. The Lord's heart is so beautiful...and filled with such depth. This He can impart to us if we let Him.
A particular instance comes to mind. Not long ago I went out with my sisters for a night on the town. As we were leaving a dance club, I was sort of walking behind them and enjoying their laughter and back and forth banter. When the three of us get together we are quite funny actually. I noticed how we looked so “east coast” wearing our long black coats and black boots. As we left the club, there was a young man putting trash in a bin from another night spot across the alley. My sisters immediately went over to him and said hello…and then good night to him. They didn’t think anything of it, but I could tell by the look on the man’s face it seemed to really make his night that someone would go out of their way to say hello to him. I saw a warm smile appear on his face as he lifted his head with a look of surprise. I immediately felt the Lord’s pleasure in this. Not anyone else coming out of the club even noticed he was there.
We all walked on for a bit soon passing a parking garage on the way to look for a cab. Again, there was a young man tending to customers and their cars, but he wasn’t busy at the moment. My sisters walked into the garage from the sidewalk, and began to include him in an ongoing conversation about professional boxing that had started a block away. You could tell this was something this young man was very familiar with by his welcoming of the conversation! You could tell by the look on his face that this was putting some gladness into his night. He was smiling from ear to ear. I was still standing on the sidewalk taking this in, when I immediately felt the Lord’s pleasure again….and it was almost if I could feel Him looking through my eyes. His presence just suddenly seemed stronger. There were many groups of people walking all around us as the clubs were closing, and no one else came in to speak to this man.
As we all continued to walk toward finding a cab, I pondered how the Lord took pleasure in what He just saw. I felt His love for my sisters….and His compassion toward people in general…and the pleasure He feels when we show the smallest act of kindness toward others….especially strangers.
What I love too is that even though there was the occasional socially acceptable profanity spoken, cigarette smoke wafting, and a slight buzz going, Jesus certainly wasn’t too concerned about it…nor did He seem to hear it. What He loved was the kindness shown to a stranger, and the fellowship of laughter and friendly banter. And this has been my experience with Jesus when it comes to other people, that He is often not too offended by the things many of those who claim to follow Him are. I’m not advocating those things that some might find offensive….I’m just sayin’.
I see true greatness in many people…and I feel such a depth of emotion that they can’t see it or grasp how God loves them….and KNOWS them. I cannot even really find adequate words for what I feel. He wants them to know Him in the same way. My sisters have probably forgotten that night, and to them it wasn’t a big deal. However I know the the One was greatly pleased. I wonder about all the times we have forgotten where we may have done something that pleased Jesus.
What I have written about is only one example of many. We are truly His hands, His feet, and His heart on earth. Whatever you do the least of these, you do it for Him.