A recent evening I was spending time alone in prayer before going to sleep. I felt a unique (for lack of a better word) sense of God’s presence that I haven’t in a while, or perhaps never before in some aspect.
It was a sense of “knowing” God separate from our human understanding and perception. In an instant I was reminded that He is not like us. This is the reason we worship Him. It is so easy with all that is available to us in the physical realm of our faith, to fall into a place where God perhaps becomes too "familiar", and we begin to think that He is in some way like us.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image, and Jesus came to us as a man….God with us for a time on earth, as He is with us now seated at the right hand of God. Although Jesus humbly submitted to God in His incarnation and experienced many of the things we do, He was always above it and never completely like us. Many things He said testified to this.
It may seem to some that I am simply stating the obvious, as to many the true meaning of worship means different things.
I am referring to that place we may go in our hearts where we abandon ourselves into His presence, and let go of anything that has to with our own perception and humanity. In doing this, we acknowledge His majesty as we fall upon that Force that shatters us into a million pieces and transforms us.
As I began to pray that evening,…a holy presence seemed to enter the space around me and within me. And these words with such love and passion behind them came to me…....”Worship Me”. My words instantly fell away from my heart and mind and I remembered that God seeks, desires, and loves our worship. This is what we were ultimately created for…and no man can truly be at peace unless His heart is given to worship the living God.
What’s interesting is that His presence in this manner has not left me for two days now. I can be busy at work or quiet at home and it is the same. We need to have moments and times when we can get away to quiet place, but I’m realizing that a heart focused on adoring God can do it all times….in any circumstance. It’s an attitude of the heart, but it is also a gift and a privilege.
Even as people of faith, we can get caught up in searching for happiness and significance in so many ways and things outside of God’s presence. When, what we need is only one thing….and that is a heart that truly desires to know Him and love Him for who He really is. It is through this, that everything else falls into place. With an attitude of worship prevalent in our hearts we are more likely to remain vigilant, focused, humble, joyful, and able to put everything that concerns us in its proper place. And that place is at His feet and under His majesty. An attitude of worship keeps us in communion with Him. Even when we are in fear and uncertainty, we should worship Him as He is God and above all.
God is separate…He is …other…not like us. And yet, He draws us ever closer in intimacy and love when our hearts are moved to worship Him in spirit and truth. This is a great mystery I think…...it leaves me in awe.
Thank you for sharing from your heart.
Please know that you are in my prayers every day before our Eucharistic Lord.
Pace e bene!
Your most welcome...it isn't always easy to do so your words are encouraging...but I also find great joy in it. Thank you for your prayers...they are sincerely appreciated.
"In an instant I was reminded that He is not like us. ...we begin to think that He is in some way like us."
I think that knowing this is what helps me to trust Him so much, and worship Him with great love and reverence, the very fact that He is so all-knowing and providential, that His ways are not our ways.
This is also why I love Mass so much. It is an earthly participation in the Liturgy of Divine Worship that is continually taking place in heaven, as seen in Revelation. My worship is perfected in joining with Christ's self-offering. It is the most profound (but not only) way to offer praise and thanksgiving (eucharistos) to God, especially at times when I feel so inadequate in trying to offer the worship He deserves by myself.
Sorry for rambling :) I just love giving liturgical worship to God!
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