I have come to the conclusion that for a sincere follower of God, the world can indeed be a very lonely and dark place at times. For years I have carried a sense within my heart that, for many, the gospel message is very cheap and broad. Jesus and all His ‘benefits’, could be likened to a child going after a bag full of candy in a candy shop. It’s amazing to me that when Jesus was so incredibly specific; His words are treated as a little afternoon snack that can be picked at, examined, and tossed back in the bag when we decide we are not so interested. “In hearing they do not hear, and in seeing they do not see.” Honestly, that is quite a chilling and serious statement.
I was in a bookshop on Saturday and noticed a particularly large Christian section. There was a time about ten years ago when I would have lingered or spent more time looking over a section such as this. Now, I can hardly stand to look over one of these sections..or even go near it! A certain nausea increases as I get ever closer. There is a lot of ‘candy’, but not a lot of realistic and true substance that would cause my heart to skip a beat.
Am I so enlightened that I am looking down on anything that is beneath my spiritual awareness? No. You must understand what it is to know Jesus, and how much I love Him. You must understand what He has done for me. He paid a price for me that I cannot even begin to fathom the cost to Him. He rescued me from a darkness so great that sometimes I still shake my head and wonder how this all could have happened. Even in moments of intense doubt and confusion, I still cannot deny Him. I very quickly realize in these situations that His truth and solidarity shine through stronger than anything I may feel at that moment. To me, He is majestic beyond words. He is fierce, gentle, kind, completely solid and stable, yet unpredictable and incomprehensible all at the same time. His words can slice through bullshit like a sword, or gently mend a heart in love.
I experienced a lot in the first twenty or so years of my life. My childhood was one that was filled with much fear and a constant fight within to acknowledge reality in a very unpredictable environment. What was real was denied, and what was false was honored and protected. My worth as a human being and an individual would not be realized fully until I called out to Jesus. I believe He was always with me, but there was a time as an adult where I had to make a decision. I have discussed this in previous posts.
To ‘fear’ God, is to know God. To ‘fear’ God is to love Him. There is a ‘knowing’ Him that is simply beyond words. In this knowing is a heart that can hear and handle His secrets. The secret of the Lord is for those that love Him. You won’t find these secrets in the Christian section of a bookshop.
As I walked out of the store on Saturday, I took a look around at all the people enjoying the day and hustling about. I looked back in the store one last time as if to make sure I was really finished browsing. As I was walking away these words so gently came to my heart: “The secret of the Lord if for those who fear (love) Him.” I walked on enjoying the peaceful silence, but ever strong presence of the One in my heart. Yes Jesus, your secrets are safe with me. Here am I … to sit at your feet and listen.
Psalm 25:14
I was in a bookshop on Saturday and noticed a particularly large Christian section. There was a time about ten years ago when I would have lingered or spent more time looking over a section such as this. Now, I can hardly stand to look over one of these sections..or even go near it! A certain nausea increases as I get ever closer. There is a lot of ‘candy’, but not a lot of realistic and true substance that would cause my heart to skip a beat.
Am I so enlightened that I am looking down on anything that is beneath my spiritual awareness? No. You must understand what it is to know Jesus, and how much I love Him. You must understand what He has done for me. He paid a price for me that I cannot even begin to fathom the cost to Him. He rescued me from a darkness so great that sometimes I still shake my head and wonder how this all could have happened. Even in moments of intense doubt and confusion, I still cannot deny Him. I very quickly realize in these situations that His truth and solidarity shine through stronger than anything I may feel at that moment. To me, He is majestic beyond words. He is fierce, gentle, kind, completely solid and stable, yet unpredictable and incomprehensible all at the same time. His words can slice through bullshit like a sword, or gently mend a heart in love.
I experienced a lot in the first twenty or so years of my life. My childhood was one that was filled with much fear and a constant fight within to acknowledge reality in a very unpredictable environment. What was real was denied, and what was false was honored and protected. My worth as a human being and an individual would not be realized fully until I called out to Jesus. I believe He was always with me, but there was a time as an adult where I had to make a decision. I have discussed this in previous posts.
To ‘fear’ God, is to know God. To ‘fear’ God is to love Him. There is a ‘knowing’ Him that is simply beyond words. In this knowing is a heart that can hear and handle His secrets. The secret of the Lord is for those that love Him. You won’t find these secrets in the Christian section of a bookshop.
As I walked out of the store on Saturday, I took a look around at all the people enjoying the day and hustling about. I looked back in the store one last time as if to make sure I was really finished browsing. As I was walking away these words so gently came to my heart: “The secret of the Lord if for those who fear (love) Him.” I walked on enjoying the peaceful silence, but ever strong presence of the One in my heart. Yes Jesus, your secrets are safe with me. Here am I … to sit at your feet and listen.
Psalm 25:14