Hello from the desert. It has been magnificent and anything but “dry”.
I am in the process of simplifying and selling off most of my books except for a treasured few.
This morning I was just about to package a sale for Thomas a Kempis’ “The Inner Life”, when I opened it quickly and took one last look.
I turned to Chapter 43: ‘A Warning against Vain and Worldly Learning’.
Christ: “My son, do not allow fair phrases and subtle sayings to beguile you; for the Kingdom of God comes not by words, but by My power. Pay attention to My words, for they fire the heart and lighten the understanding, foster contrition and bring all comfort. Never study in order to appear wiser and learned; study rather to overcome your besetting sins, for this will profit you more than will the grasp of intricate problems.
When you have read and mastered many subjects, always return to this fundamental truth: that I am He who teaches man knowledge, and who grants My children a clearer understanding than man can impart. He whom I teach will swiftly gain wisdom and advance far in the life of the spirit. But those who seek curious knowledge from men, and care nothing for My service, will discover only sorrow. In due time Christ will come, the Teacher of teachers and the Lord of Angels. He will hear the lessons of all; that is, He will examine each man’s conscience. He will search Jerusalem with lamps; the hidden things of darkness will be brought to light, and the tongues of controversy silenced.
There was once a man who loved Me very dearly, who learned My divine secrets, and spoke eloquently of Me. He profited more by renouncing everything than by studying subtleties. For to some I speak on everyday affairs; to others on particular matters; to some I graciously reveal Myself in signs and symbols, while to those who are enlightened I reveal my mysteries.
A book has but a single voice, but is not equally profitable to all who read it. I alone am the Teacher of truth, the Searcher of man’s heart, the Discerner of his doings, and I give to each man as I judge right."
I had a vision once at night before going to sleep. I was in a library with books stacked everywhere on a multitude of shelves. It was as if an unseen hand moved the library off to the side, like sliding a curtain out of the way. As this “veil” was removed, I was simply in the presence of God. I realized at that moment that God is so far beyond all that has ever been written about Him, or otherwise.
So, as Christ stated through Thomas Kempis, as long as we keep our eyes fixed on Him alone, we will each obtain the necessary knowledge needed for the purpose He has for each of us.